Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 7

I feel a lot better today!  :)

That bloating feeling is all gone. In fact, looking in the mirror today and for the first time in a long time I actually felt thinner!

Who knows, maybe this stuff is working after all.


  1. She's starting to look better!

  2. Can't wait to see this unfold...about time to see her hair start growing?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's Karen.

    Abigail is such a nuisance. Tomorrow is my twenty-seventh birthday, and she wants us to go out and get tatoos. Doesn't she realize I'm an adult, not a kid like her?

    She's always loved acting. I did it with her when we were kids, but I grew out if it. We share one friend, but for the most part, our paths have diverged.

    I wish I had been prettier. I could have been the cheerleader. Part of me envies her. Maybe that's why I dress in tight clothing when I go to the gym. She'll probably end up married first.

    Anyway, the pills are working. We're losing weight and feeling good. We're still icy toward each other, but we're happy.

  5. Hey, great to hear! I don’t really have much fat to lose because I’ve always been quite skinny (not toned at all, and there’s a very small bit of pudge on my belly but that’s pretty normal).

    The one thing I’ve never liked is that I have a bit of a double chin sometimes (guess that’s just where fat accumulates in my body?), but that was gone today!!! :) Good to see you losing weight too!

