Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 8

Hey everyone, it's Barbara.

Well, it's been a week since I began taking these pills and I think I'm just starting to see improvements. It's difficult to tell, but after that bloated episode a couple days ago I think my stomach is a bit flatter; I can't really say for sure though. I do know that I've felt much more energetic these last few days, so that's a plus!

Anyway, I'm meeting up with some friends tonight and I'm wondering if they'll notice any changes.


  1. Can't wait for the next installment :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello, it's Nat.

    The pills have been a complete success so far. I feel so much more relaxed. Things that used to upset me don't anymore. I don't know what they're doing to me, but I certainly feel calmer than I did before.

    I had an urge to shopping yesterday. I bought myself a couple cool outfits. It's not like me, but maybe it comes with being more relaxed.

    I took first in a race today, but I was way slower than normal. I guess it's because I've been slacking off in the wait room, but don't worry: I'm going right back at it tomorrow.

    What I'm wearing: blue shirt, blue pants

    My hairstyle: short

    What I'm listening to: Chopin

    My plans: study, train, relax, sleep

  4. No differences here! Definitely feel much more energetic than I used to, these pills are great!

