Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 24

I'm feeling proud of my flat tummy and wanted to show it off today.


  1. I’ve got to admit, Day 24 and you’re looking good enough to give someone whiplash...

  2. Proud, really? It's not like you worked for it, you just took some pills...

  3. Yes. You can really be proud of it. And the choice for your top and this black jeans is excellent taste! Your beautiful tummy is revealed, but on the whole you look like a lady. Why not wear this at university? The guys won't get their eyes off from you. - Hmmm... I don't know if I should do, but I have to ask: Barb, did you ever consider a navel piercing? It would enforce the aesthetic impact of your slim figure...

  4. are looking hotter every day! wonder if the trip to the hair salon mihjt result in a lighter brown with blonde highlites....another step closer to your probable final color!

  5. You do look more amazing every day

  6. You are becomeing more beautiful each passing day. Though I have to disagree with one of the fellow before me. You shouldn't change your hair color. It is perfect for you.

  7. Barbara this is Kara your roomie from last year, I just caught up with your blog and to be honest I'm worried about you. I think you need to stop taking the pills. You have only been taking them for not even half the time and look at the side effects. You have a totally different figure to what you had before. You still look natural but you have lost that slim look you used to have. I'm scared what the pills will do you if you don't stop. You have the figure you wanted please stop now. I'm also concerned that your're starting to turn into one of those girls you hated that is obsessed with how they look. The Barbara I once new would not have worn that top. Please Barb stop now. Yours Kara xx

  8. New stuff to fap everyday.

  9. stavros1234@deviantart.comFebruary 7, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    It is an amazing result so far , and it is great that u show us but why not show it to the world , and have u though about a signature colour ? something bright and sassy which shows the world the new u maybe pink.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Heyyy, sorryI didn’t post anything yesterday! Just felt too sick and nothing had changed!

    Now Im feeling a lot better tho! Going back to uni tomorrow but Im so far behind on all my homework! :((

    Might have to copy some idk, no more changes bybthe way!

