Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 60

This is it: day 60, and this is the last pill! After today, all that will be left will be recording my final results tomorrow.

Until then, I guess...


  1. Barbie, I think you should keep posting even after the final results. I know that all kinds of opportunities are ahead of you and it would be a shame not to share them with the world. If you decide to become a model, and I definitely think you should, we would all love to hear about it. Many of us can already be considered your fans. Well, have a nice day.

  2. do know that just because you have stopped taking the pills doesn’t mean any changes you are undergoing are going to stop dead, right? Biology isn’t really that’ve been taking these pills for about two months non-stop, so your system is probably completely saturated at this point, and you will almost certainly still be feeling effects until your system is completely clear of it...which frankly could take some time...

    1. This is a very valid point. Plus we're not exactly certain how the pills functioned in the first place, like if even the dose from the first pill 60 days ago ever got filtered out to begin with, let alone the 59 pills that followed it. Chemistry and biology may not be my strong suits of study, but it's feasible that the compounds could have saturated and altered certain cells in your body to produce more, even in the case of it being filtered out. Modified virus phages or bacteria with protection against digestion to get into the body and incorporate covert DNA therapy throughout your body. *shrugs* lots of possibilities with a scientific imagination and a firm grasp of genetics.

  3. Can I just say that myself and my girl both enjoy your story over these past months. And hope you the best of luck. We would maybe like to get updates as time goes on. Even if it's not daily ones. My girl would also like to know where you got these pills as she would like to try them herself. And I was wondering if there is a male version. Because I wouldn't mind getting in better shape and losing a few pounds here and there. Anyway thanks for sharing your story and hope to see more of your story as time goes on if possible.

  4. Thank you, Barbie, for having us along to witness your experiment. It has been highly rewarding for us. You are a sweet, smart, highly well-adjusted and lovely individual. Also, now, you are an incredibly sexy woman! I wonder, what does it feel like to remember how you were before PerfectU? Can you imagine ever changing back? Do you worry what will happen when you stop the pills?

  5. Barbie, thanks so much for including us on your journey...I hope your new life is one you come to others, it would be so great to include us on your continuing journey, as I suspect you will have some great doors open to you.Can't wait for tomorrow to see the true differences since you started the pills...Sorry we didn't get to meet Ken or your girlfriends....Best of luck to you going forward...

  6. hey im filling down can i have a hug barbie

  7. Barbara: Early on you spoke of how the pills were giving you more energy so that your daily runs were going better. Do they still have that effect? Are you still running?

  8. Hopefully you'll keep that hair growing.

    Maybe another 60 days just to keep up the good health, yeah?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
